Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound, is sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz (Hertz) or cycles per second, the “normal” limit of human hearing. Whales, elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, giraffes, okapi, and alligators are known to use infrasound to communicate over distances—up to hundreds of miles in the case of whales. One study has suggested that infrasound may cause feelings of awe or fear in humans. It also was suggested that since it is not consciously perceived, it may make people feel vaguely that odd or supernatural events are taking place.
2013 Ohio Bigfoot Conference speaker Thom Powell talked about this phenomenon during his presentation last Saturday evening at Salt Fork State Park’s lodge. He recalls an incident that occurred while researching where he was “zapped” by something unseen. His knees turned to jelly and he could no longer stand. He knelt down, and then he laid down on the ground falling asleep. He awoke two hours later still lying in the woods unaware of what had happened. He believes this was an infrasound “attack” by a Sasquatch. Thom writes on his blog in a post from December 7th, 2012 titled “Finding Bigfoot by Blimp: Really?”:
“In my field experiments, the Sasquatch had demonstrated (to my satisfaction) the ability to generate infrasound, to disable electronics, including cameras, from a distance, to somehow cloak their presence, and even temporarily paralyze people and animals in their tracks.”
We left Don Keating’s meeting at the Salt Fork Lodge on Saturday March 23rd, 2013 and went to one of the picnic areas with some friends for a little while. We left and headed over to an area of the park where activity had been reported a year ago in April. We followed the dirt/gravel roads through the wildlife area to where the road dead ends down by the water, it was now just before midnight. Jesse and I stepped out of the car, the cold air was barely tolerable, it was quiet, very quiet. We heard a few noises of something moving very slowly through the heavily wooded hillside. I decided to use my Fenix TK35 860 lumen flashlight to pan the hillside and try to spot the source of the sounds we were hearing. I pointed it toward the hill and clicked it on, I cranked through the light settings until the light was at full power. The bright white beam pierced through the tree line illuminating the entire area. Nothing was visible from my vantage point. I scanned the field to the left as we heard the noises again. With one quick snap I swung the beam of light back to the hillside, the flashlight went off. I toggled the light on and off, still nothing except a very dim glow from the bulb. Flipping through the light settings produced the same results. Jesse piped up saying “Something feels weird, I don’t like this” just as a high pitch ring started in my left ear. We got in the car and left. Back at the lodge I put new batteries in the flashlight and everything seemed to work just fine.
Three weeks later, after the Bigfoot Conference festivities were over, we did a night hike with a fairly good size group over in the wilderness area. Afterwards we drove over to the same dead end road where the flashlight quit. It was Sunday just before midnight and most of the Bigfooters had left, the park was quiet. We decided to stay in the car after what had happened last time. I positioned the car so I was in the same spot we were standing in last time. I rolled down the window and began to scan the hillside with the TK35 again. I recreated the same motions as last time, nothing happened, it was quiet. We drove slowly out, down the dirt road as I scanned the hillside with the light out the car window. Just about 50 feet to the right of where the light was pointed when it cut out three weeks ago, the beam penetrated deep up the hillside then blackness. The light shut down again. I stopped the car and got Jesse’s light on and pointed up the hill, I could see nothing. I scanned with his light a few more time with no results, we headed back to the lodge. Was this the second of a series of infrasound attacks that drained my flashlight batteries? We may never know.
I don’t want to believe in this side of Bigfoot, I have a hard enough time trying to convince people a North American primate might be out there, but this, no one will believe this! To have the same thing happen in the same place two times in a row is just too much for me to dismiss. The flashlight batteries had full charges on them before the weekend started and the light was only used sparingly. I’ve had the light on much longer in previous adventures with no loss of power. I’m not sure what this was but it has my attention. I spoke to my good friend Todd Cook, who recommended the TK35 to me, and asked if he has had any trouble with his light. He said when the batteries get low the highest light setting stops working, he’s never seen all the light settings act this way though. Todd said he has heard of other researchers having similar experiences at Salt Fork. The flashlight still sits, dead, at home, I haven’t brought myself to change the batteries out yet. It might finally be my link to the big guy. When out searching for Bigfoot keep an open mind and be on the lookout for unusual things happening.
Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comment field below.
I would say the flashlight has design flaws before before giving too much more credit to an elusive bipedal creature that is nocturnal, can become invisible at will and has the ability to elude all tech and zap you unconscious with infrasound.